I spent the coldest night of the trip in Grand Canyon National park last night. Before that, though, I spent an amazing afternoon walking along the south rim with the crowds of people from all over the world who come to visit there. My senior pass paid for itself.
While it was crowded in the afternoon, I met up with a couple of other I.T. guys and we walked along together. I took many, many photos, but they don’t even begin to capture the grandeur and majesty that opened before me when I walked up to the edge. All I could think of was a line from a psalm, “Remember the marvelous works he has done…” (Psalm 105:5). My breath was taken away. Then four-thirty came around and it was time to leave the canyon, set up camp and cook dinner.
In the morning after breaking camp and making coffee, I needed to back to the canyon and look again. This time the light was from the opposite direction which produced a different visual entirely. The morning, in contrast to the previous afternoon, was quiet. There were a few people around, but before 8 am the crowds weren’t there yet, so I was able to find a quiet spot to sit on the edge of the canyon and drink some coffee and contemplate it all. I must return, someday.
I’d like to give a shout out to my friends Rick and Lois with whom I stayed in the Phoenix area since Saturday night. Thank you so much for your hospitality. I had a wonderful visit. I hope to do it again, soon.